When I ran across this recipe for “cake batter chia seed pudding”, I was intrigued and also incredibly skeptical. It’s been my experience that when something is “cake batter” flavored, it’s either made with complete crap (i.e. actual cake mix, a ton of sugar, processed junk), or it tastes NOTHING like actual cake batter (like those bean-based “cookie dough” recipes that are NOT anything like cookie dough and just a waste of chocolate chips). But, I was intrigued enough to give it a go. And let me tell you, I was pretty impressed and happy with the results. The “cake batter pudding” uses just dates to sweeten it, and the coconut whipped cream has just a touch of maple syrup, making it healthy enough for me to even let my toddler have some!

On top of that, the ingredients are nutrient powerhouses – almond butter, dates, chia seeds, oats, coconut milk – great fat sources, a balance of complex carbs, and even some good protein. This makes 3-ish servings; I recommend portioning it out into mason jars so that you have breakfast ready to go each morning!

Cake Batter Chia Seed Pudding

makes about 3 servings

adapted from Edible Perspective



6 Tbsp chia seeds

1 cup milk of choice (I used grass-fed whole milk)

1/4 cup almond butter (unsalted, no sugar added)

1/4 cup oats

6 Medjool dates, well chopped and pitted

1 tsp vanilla extract

1/4 tsp almond extract

3 heaping Tbsp of collagen hydrolysate (optional, but adds a super boost of protein and amino acids for gut health)

Whipped Topping (optional, but delicious and recommended)

1 can full-fat coconut milk, refrigerated overnight

1 tsp  maple syrup

1/2 tsp vanilla extract

Combine all the pudding ingredients in an air-tight container. Mix around and then place in the fridge for at least 4 hours, preferably overnight. In the morning/next day, scoop into a blender and blend until basically smooth (the smoothness will depend on your blender. Mine got the dates super smooth, but a few chia seeds didn’t get ground up, which was totally fine). Add splashes of milk as needed to help move things along, but not so much as to make the pudding soupy.  Taste. If you want more vanilla or almond extract, add now. Be careful with the almond extract – it’s powerful stuff! I added a bit too much! Set aside.

Then, open your can of chilled coconut milk. Scoop out the thick cream (NOT the liquid) into a mixing bowl. Add the maple syrup and vanilla. Beat with mixer until light and fluffy.

Assemble your pudding. In mason jars (my recommendation), add a good scoop of pudding, then a dollop of “whipped cream”, repeat one more time. Continue with two other mason jars. Throw some fresh blueberries on top in the morning on your way out the door. Sometimes you can have your cake and eat it too.

Aubrey Phelps MS RDN LDN