Gain Control of Your Spend
- Obesity spend continues to increase, exacerbated by unmanaged GLP1 use
- Lower the incidence and severity of chronic illness and the associated demand for health services.
- GLP1s are a great resource, but medication isn’t enough to treat obesity on it’s own
- Without a multidisciplinary plan of care, and medication access management, which includes active coordination with PCPs and specialists, patients will be left on obesity medications for extended periods of time, resulting in suboptimal health outcomes and higher costs
CoreLife is More
Effective than Other
- CoreLife offers a unique and differentiated solution
- Hybrid care model provides employers and employees flexibility to choose between in-person and virtual, depending on needs and preferences
- Proven, comprehensive approach designed specifically for the overweight and obese population
- Multi-disciplinary care team supported by a robust digital platform drives lasting engagement and adherence, requirements for long-term weight loss
- Pair criteria for medication coverage with a comprehensive weight management program
- Trusted solution developed in conjunction with leading health system partners
- Works in coordination with the medical community: the employee’s PCP, specialist, and/or surgeon
Engagement from traditional
virtual-only solutions
BPS average
HBA1C Reduction
Average BMI
Maintain results
after 5 years
reduction in obesity
medication utilization
What Is Included?
- Individualized care plan developed and administered by coordinated, multi-disciplinary team
- Typical plan involves in-person visits supplemented by virtual engagement and remote patient monitoring
- Core disciplines: clinical, dietary, fitness and behavioral
- Coordinated with the employees PCP, surgeon and/or specialist
- Ability to support a range of partner needs
- Intensity of care informed by patient needs
- Standalone digital solutions for lower need or distant patients
Who Receives Care?
- Focused on patients with multiple co-morbidities & BMI of 25+
- Average BMI percentage reduction for patients with a BMI over 35.0 at the start of treatment: 15%
- Preventative, lower intensity care for patients with a BMI less than 35.0 has proven effective to manage long-term costs
- Extensive health outcomes data informs projected results
- CORA (machine learning) program helps select optimal care path and ensure results
What Does it Cost and How Do We Track Performance?
- We operate under various structures depending on the needs of the employer
- Insurance Model (Traditional FFS)
- Shared Savings
- Performance based payment structure
- Active monitoring and reporting of key quality measures
- Align on key outcomes and set collective goals
- Data analytics provides patient insights for broader care