Let’s get real about being realistic.
Being realistic means having a practical and achievable view of things.
In the context of healthcare, being realistic means setting achievable health goals that are tailored to your individual needs and circumstances.
It involves understanding your limitations and working towards achievable goals at a pace that is sustainable and healthy for you.
Being realistic also means being aware of the resources available to you and using them effectively to achieve your goals.
Taking care of your health is one of the most important things you can do for yourself. It is a journey that requires consistency, effort, and dedication. However, it’s important to be realistic about your health journey to achieve long-term success.
In this blog post, we’ll explore the importance of being realistic in your health journey and how it can help you achieve your health goals.
It’s important to understand that everyone’s body is different and what works for one person may not work for another. By setting realistic goals, you’ll be able to make progress at a pace that is sustainable and achievable for you.
What stands in the way?
- Myths, or cognitive distortions about what you should expect.
For example:
- “I want to lose 50 pounds in 3 months.” This may not only be unrealistic, but unhealthy depending on the person.
- “I only lost 20 pounds, and I am comfortable at the beach or in shorts because I didn’t lose 30 pounds.” You’re disqualifying the positive (losing 20 lbs.), and you should work to accept the body that you are in no matter the size.
- I’ll finally be happy if I could lose 20 lbs. Happiness comes from many other places than weight.
Do you have any cognitive distortions or myths you tell yourself?
2. An unrealistic self-appraisal.
First define realistic self-appraisal for your-self through active, persistent, and careful reflection on beliefs, values, attitudes, ethics, and emotions that motivate you to take action or not take action.
Once you have an understanding of self then you can determine what action needs to be taken by having a deeper understanding of the prime motivator for your health journey.
Setting more realistic goals.
SMART Goals are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound.
When setting goals for yourself, especially health goals, you want to make sure you will be successful.
Think about how the goal will be measured and the reason you’re setting it to begin with.
- Is the focus on how many pounds come off on the scale or how your body feels and the strength or health you are achieving?
- Define your prime motivator for your health journey.
- What is sustainable? How will you maintain the outcome after reaching your goal?
Embrace the reality that reaching your goals won’t make you happy 100% of the time. That sentiment in itself is a fallacy.
Life is not easy, losing weight does not take away all your problems, and becoming healthy doesn’t eliminate the possibility of illness, injury, or stress.
Here are some examples of Ideal vs. Real Statements
“I will prepare food and plan out healthy meals every week and eat only what I planned.” vs. “I will prepare healthy food as much as I can and if I go off course it is ok, I will pick it back up the next day.”
“I will avoid all drama and stress.” vs. “Drama and stress are part of life, I will not let it control me or derail me”.
“I will exercise for 60 minutes 6 days a week.” vs. “I will purposefully move my body as much as I can.”
We’re here for you.
If you would like more information or are ready to take the next step on your health care journey, please contact us at https://corelifemd.com/contact-us/ or call us at (800) 905-3261.