
Why See a Registered Dietitian?

Have you ever heard the expression “abs are made in the kitchen”? If you haven’t, consider it your new mantra. No matter how hard you

Breakfast – What’s the Big Deal?

We hear it over and over at CoreLife. In fact, it might be one of the most common mistakes we see. There are different rationales

Carbs – the Good, the Bad, the Ugly

Carbs often get a really bad rap. Many even advocate for a “no-carb” diet. So, before we discuss whether avoiding “all” carbs is a good

How “diet” is Diet Soda?

Many people trying to lose weight or watch their overall calorie intake turn to artificial sweeteners in an attempt to satisfy that sweet tooth while

Protein and Weight Loss

If you’ve done any research about weight loss “secrets”, protein intake has almost certainly been mentioned on more than one occasion. So, is there any

Make Snacking Work for You

In the weight loss game, you often hear about snacking being a bad thing. Clients complain about how their biggest issue is “grazing” or mindlessly

Iodine – The Trace Mineral of the Sea

Iodine is required by the body for the synthesis of thyroid hormones (T3 and T4), which are involved in the regulation of metabolism. The majority

The Skinny on Fat

Saturated fat.  Oh what a long and sorted history we have! What do you think of when you think of saturated fat? Butter? Beef? Heart

Buffalo Hummus

It’s summer time! Time for picnics, cook-outs, and parties. This recipe is a great way to contribute to a delicious spread and still stick with

hCG Diet – Magic or Major Mistake?

If you’ve done any research on weight loss and “diets”, you’ve almost certainly come across the hCG diet. Believers say you can lose 40 pounds

Not Your Typical Coffee

Coffee. It’s the way so many of us start our day. Caffeine. A good kick to get the day going. I’m not against coffee. But,

Why We Don’t Believe in Dieting

According to Webster’s Dictionary, a “diet” is both “habitual nourishment; food and drink regularly provided or consumed” AND “a regimen of eating and drinking sparingly

Embracing Seasonal Goods

I love making easy, fresh meals that embrace seasonality. Not only do foods harvested at their prime taste better, they tend to be nutritionally superior

A Family Affair

Over and over I hear clients expressing frustration over trying to be a short-order cook. Does this sound familiar? Client: Well, I have to get

Is Less More?

When it comes to the weight loss “game”, I see clients time and time again working to see just how low they can get their

Your House

Our country, and really the industrialized world at large, needs a desperate wake-up call.  According to The World Health Organization (WHO), in 2008, over one-third

Macronutrients Explained

A few weeks ago, I did a quick post on macronutrients and micronutrients. Now, I’d like to give a more in depth overview of each

Chocolate Milk Reimagined

Some days I’m in a rush in the morning. I know I need something to eat. I know I need a good protein source. I’d

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